From Salt Lake to Moab: Winning Elections in Utah
As it always is in Utah, 2012 was a terrible year for the Utah Democrats. This time, all but 5 State Senate and 14 State House seats went to the Republicans, with nearly every other elected office in...
View ArticleI'm a Mormon liberal, and here's why
When most people think of Mormons and politics, they think of ultra-conservative Republicans with a particularly moralistic streak. They think of Mormons as being anathema to progressives, and hating...
View ArticleWelcome to the Four Corners Leadership Project
Hello everyone, and welcome to the Four Corners Leadership Project. This group is intended to explore the political issues and candidates of the Southwestern United States, specifically the Four...
View ArticleThe First Mormon President... Of Mali? Meet Yeah Samake
As many of you may know, there was a presidential election in Mali last year. Or, at least there would have been, if not for the coup that forced the incumbent president and all presidential...
View ArticleFinding Multiculturalism in a Utah Thrift Store
So since June 25th, 2012 (the day after Utah's state holiday Pioneer Day), I've been working at the LDS Church-owned second-hand thrift store Deseret Industries (nicknamed "DI" here in Utah) as a large...
View ArticlePutting out a call for Southwestern mayoral diaries
Hey all, Gygaxian here. I've got a project I would like to do, but I can't do it alone. I want to have a set of diaries covering all the major municipal (mayoral and city council) elections this year,...
View ArticleHow would you reform the Utah Democratic Party?
So as you know, I'm the guy obsessed with Utah politics. It's a weakness of mine, and it's mainly because I can relate with the cities, internal ideas, and demographics mentioned in Utah political...
View ArticleUtah State Senator wants to abolish compulsory education... And is the scion...
So when you think of Mormons, I'm betting at least some of you think of the Osmonds. Oh yes, the LDS royalty, the long-since faded away singing clan that now seems to only consist of Donny and Marie! A...
View ArticleThe State of the Utah Democratic Party in 2013
If anyone wants to know how the Utah Democratic Party is faring, here's a summary of the elected officials in the Utah Democratic party, a short blurb about them (from my own viewpoint, so though I...
View ArticleThoughts on Jim Matheson's retirement from a UT-04 resident
So if you have not heard about it, yesterday seven-term Congressman Jim Matheson, Democrat from Utah's 4th district, announced that he would not seek re-election. Now, I'm only going to briefly provide...
View ArticleA map of the 2012 Salt Lake County Mayoral election
Apologies to everyone for not posting a diary for a while, I've been distracted. But here is a map of the 2012 Salt Lake County Mayoral election between Democrat Ben McAdams (who is now the County...
View ArticleMap of 2012 UT-04 Election 2012 (Salt Lake County only)
Like with the County Mayor election this precinct map is not mine, this is Justin Miller's map. Miller is Salt Lake County Mayor Ben McAdam's campaign manager.As before, the light blue/red areas are...
View ArticleThe State of the Utah Dems for the 2015-2016 cycle, part 1
I'm going to get straight to the point with this diary: this is a diary to let Daily Kos users, specifically DKE stalwarts know what (limited) strength the Utah Democrats have, as well as our potential...
View ArticleUtah: This is the place... For Dems! A look at key 2016 legislative races in...
Hi everyone, Gygaxian here. Some of you may remember my previous posts on Democrats in Utah. They tended to be high in detail, low in numbers, and quite long-winded. In light of that, I’m writing a...
View ArticleA look at the numbers in UT-04: How we win, and how we don't.
Utah’s 4th Congressional District is a district we need to win to take back the House. At first glance, it may seem insurmountable, but this post is designed to prove that it isn’t the case. From...
View ArticleUtah Legislature 2018 Elections Ratings Diary Pt 1: Utah Senate
Hello everyone, I’m Gygaxian and this is my personal ratings diary for the Utah legislature. In three or four parts, I will be covering my personal race ratings for the Utah legislature for the 2018...
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